State Car Auctions

State car auctions are very similar to local state auctions. The only difference is that the vehicles have been obtained through an arrest of some kind. Often, the vehicles have been used in an illegal action.

State car auctions are held at the state offices. In Michigan, that would be in the city of Lansing. Here the titles are ran and the vehicles are put up at ridiculously low amounts. An experienced dealer can walk away with a real steal. Not too often is the public invite unless the vehicle becomes difficult to move.

The monies taken in from state car auctions commonly go to government accounts. No one really profits, well at least they’re not suppose to. Police stations sometimes hold government auctions and state vehicles are auctioned off.

Typically, you will see specialty SUV’s, police cars, and other government vehicles auctioned at a government auction as well. Those working within the government can only purchase these vehicles.

Most of these vehicles are in good condition. The state has hired someone to repair the vehicles. The vehicles are equipped with bulletproof glass, GPS tracking system, and all of the toys you could imagine.

Some authentic material can be purchased on sites like EBAY. Even then, why buy something you can research in your local library or online. The buyer really needs to pay attention to what he is buying.

Beware of websites that promote themselves as “a gateway to State car auctions”. These sites charge for their services. The material they provide you with is nothing but old material. You could find stuff at your local library if you look hard enough. For $99 or more, they send you a list of government auctions that are boggiest.


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