Want The Most From Your IPad? Try These Tips!
Every new gadget in technology is fun to have, but there is something extra special about an iPad. If you are the proud new owner of an iPad, you need to know how to navigate it and master its use. The following article will help you to do just that. Did you open too many apps? You can access all your open apps by tapping on the home button of your iPad and bar will appear at the bottom of you screen. Tap the app you want to access and repeat this process later to access your other running aps. If at all possible, use Wi-Fi to connect your iPad to the Internet instead of 3G. Using 3G continuously, you can expect to get around 9 hours of battery life. With Wi-Fi, you can enjoy your iPad for even longer before it needs a charge. If you don't need to connect to the Internet, disable both. Know which apps are running on your iPad. Lots of iPad applications can work in the background as you complete other tasks. To check what is running on the iPad, just double click the Ho...